Study Team Bringing the project to life
Faculty, staff, interns, and students come from across the UF Campus and beyond.
Principal investigator

Principal Investigator
Dr. Yan Wang, PhD
Yan Wang is an Assistant Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Florida (UF). Her research interests focus on leveraging advanced technologies and methods (e.g., wearable sensors, ecological momentary assessment/EMA) to improve the understanding of etiology and outcomes of substance use (e.g., alcohol, medical marijuana).
Kimberly Sibille Ph.D., M.A.
Rene Przkora MD, PhD, FASA
Margaret C Lo M.D., F.A.C.P.
Consultants and Affiliated Physicians

Dr. Ana Abrantes, PhD
Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Brown University

Dr. John "Jack" Crump, MD
Medical Marijuana Qualifying Physician

Dr. Michael Brownstein
Pain Fellow Physician, Emory University

Dr. Shammi Patel, DO
Fellow Physician, University of Florida

Mariam Farag
MD Candidate, Class of 2026, University of Florida

Ahmed Rashid
MD Candidate, Class of 2025, University of Florida
Study Staff

Current Volunteers

Isabella Ortiz
Public Health Major, Class of 2025, University of Florida

Grace Luai
Consultant Staff